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Enterprise Placement Year Scholarship

The Year in Enterprise Placement Scholarship has been established to support students who wish to use their placement year to work on their own business. The award comprises:

  • £13,000 (paid monthly) which is intended to cover your costs of living for the year rather than business expenses.
  • Access to the QUest 3 month programme over the summer. Please note: students who receive this placement year scholarship will not receive the £3,000 salary grant under the QUest programme, but will receive the other grants.

Eligibility criteria:

The Scholarship is available to any student who:

  • Is eligible to take a placement year as part of their degree programme and can take their placement year in the academic year following their application for this award
  • Does not have visa restrictions preventing them from running their own business during their placement - under current visa regulations, students on a Student visa are not allowed to run their own business and, as such, are not eligible for this award.
  • Has a viable business idea that they can productively work on for a placement
  • Is based within a School that has an agreed process for “Year in Enterprise” placements. Please note: Some Schools do not have an agreed process for an Entrepreneurship Placement Year. Students should check with their School Office if they are unsure whether their School has this process in place.
  • Meets the School’s requirements for taking a placement year (e.g. passing all required modules)
  • Has received an approval in principle from their School to work on their business during their placement year. This approval in principle from the School must be received before applying for the Scholarship.

The Process

  1. Apply through your School

Follow the process outlined by your School in applying for an Entrepreneurship/Year in Enterprise placement. If you're not sure what this is, please ask at your School Office. Some Schools do not have an agreed process for this type of placement and students in those Schools are therefore not eligible for this Scholarship. 

We recommend that you access support from SU Enterprise to help you formulate your business plans and applications for this step of the process.

  1. Receive an “Approval in Principle” from your school

Your School will assess the viability of you working on your business during your placement and will ask about how you will finance your placement year. At this stage, you can let them know that you are applying for this Scholarship. If they agree to your application, they will provide you with an "Approval in principle" email. The final approval would be given pending confirmation of being awarded this Scholarship.

  1. Apply for this Scholarship

Apply for this Scholarship using this application form. The deadline is 14th February 2025 at 2pm. No late entries will be considered. The application form requires you to upload a copy of your School's Approval in Principle as well as the application you submitted to the School.

  1. Receive an invite to a panel interview

Students shortlisted for interview will be notified before 3rd March 2025, with interviews with the panel scheduled w/c 10th March 2025.

  1. Receive the outcome from the interview

Interviewees will be notified shortly after the interviews take place. The Scholarship award will be made to successful applicants, starting in June, pending any requirements still to be met by the School regarding the ability to go on placement e.g. passing all required modules. 

Final Notes:

  • If there are no successful applicants at interview, or if an applicant fails to meet other requirements set by the School to enable them to go on placement, the Scholarship award will be carried over to the following year.
  • If you are working together with other students on your business, you can submit a joint application. In this case:
    • One person should submit the application for the whole team. Each member must fulfil the criteria outlined above. 
    • The number of Scholarship awards for this year has not yet been finalised, but there will be more than one available. The panel may decide to offer a full Scholarship to each team member or offer you one Scholarship to split among the team. You will need to discuss this with your team and your School Placement Co-ordinator.
  • If you have any questions, please contact 