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Refreshers’ Fair is back!

6 February 14

Roll up! Roll up! Your Super, Spectacular, Splendid Refreshers’ Fair is back

The Refreshers’ Fair is back in the Space, in your Students’ Union, on 12 February, 2014.  It’s the perfect way to join any one of our awesome Clubs & Societies and check out all the lovely volunteering opportunities we have on offer – and, of course, have a little craic.

There will  be more Clubs & Societies at the Fair than you could shake a stick at. Your Students’ Union has over 190 in total. We hope a few of them will tickle your fancy - whether you are a nervous newbie or a proper pro.

There are Clubs like Basketball, Dance, and Archery if you’re a sporty soul. Or Sky Diving, Surfing, or Ultimate Frisbee if you fancy a thrill. There are loads of quirky, creative Clubs if you have a passion for Photography, Origami, or Art. Or even a bit of Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Scrabble, or Dragon Slayers if you are a die-hard gamer.

Don’t worry if sport isn’t your thing. There are over 130 Societies at Queen’s, providing you with vast opportunities to improve your own education or even take up a new hobby. There are subject specific ones too, like Law, Scrubs, and Philosophy which is a great way to learn more about your field. Plus there are Charity and Voluntary Societies like Raise and Give (RAG), Enactus, and Queen’s Red Cross if you want to make a difference.

Signing up to a Club or Society is a great way to meet friends, discover new talents, and get a break from all those snooze inducing library visits and coffee fuelled cramming sessions.

If you want to spread the love and help out an organisation, your community or the environment, there will be plenty of volunteering opportunities for you to choose from, whether you have lots of time on your hands or only a few hours here and there.

Come along to the Refreshers’ Fair and have a wee browse through the Clubs & Societies and volunteering opportunities on offer. You can even find out how to join, or even start your own Club or Society. Don’t forget to check out all you need to know and more about Clubs & Societies and Volunteering right here before you go.

The Refreshers’ Fair also offers a great opportunity to meet new friends and socialise with your housemates, whether that’s at a club night, catching some live stand-up comedy, beating your mates at the midweek music, or trying a spot of Zumba. Whatever you’re in the mood for, your Students’ Union has it all!

To see a full list of events, take a look at our 'What’s On' Section.

See you there!